Editing Services

Congratulations on completing a draft of your manuscript. Now comes the tough part – editing. I offer a range of services that can be adapted to meet your specific needs:
  • Developmental editing: A deep edit of your manuscript (including a copy edit), with written recommendations and guidelines to support you in making the revisions your manuscript needs.

  • Copy editing: This edit amends and improves grammar and syntax, revises spelling and punctuation errors, eliminates redundancy, highlights gaps in content or lack of clarity, and ensures narrative flow.

  • Proofreading: If your manuscript is complete and almost ready for publication, proofreading is a final read-through to revise spelling and punctuation errors, ensure consistent spelling and language use, and ensure consistent formatting.

  • Academic editing: All of the above services are also available to native and non-native English speakers preparing journal submissions, books, conference presentations, dissertations, and course work. In addition, I prepare clearly written, grammatically correct, and properly formatted cover letters to support your manuscript submission. I specialize in qualitative and mixed methods research in the social sciences, arts, humanities, education, and environmental management and conservation.
Contact me to discuss your editing needs today.
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Hero image by Allyson Beaucourt on Unsplash
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