Book Doctor Services

Have a great idea but can’t figure out how to get it onto the page? Need to improve the structure of your draft manuscript? Can’t find the thread to hold your narrative together and make it zing? Want an accountability buddy to help you cross your writing finish line? The book doctor will see you now. Based on your specific needs, I will create a bespoke package of services that can include:

  • Manuscript read-through, followed by 1–2 hour Zoom consultation on structure and content.
  • Chapter-by-chapter and overall manuscript structure and content advice, including a clear step-by-step written report of ways to improve your manuscript.
  • Manuscript revision, including creating new content where necessary.
  • Assistance in creating and sticking to a writing schedule, with realistic and manageable waypoints to reach your writing goals.

I offer book doctor services for fiction genres and for memoir, travel and nature writing, science writing, self-help and academic writing.

Contact me to discuss your writing needs today. 

Copyright © 2024 - Martina Tyrrell
Hero image by Allyson Beaucourt on Unsplash
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